"Author" herein refers to RKP Enterprises (the creator of Klikker). "Software" refers to all files included with Klikker (typically installed by the installer or extracted from a .zip archive).
Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation and Software is copyrighted by RKP Enterprises (the Author).
Software and documentation Copyright (C) 2010 RKP Enterprises. All rights reserved.
License and costs
The Software is being distributed as a single-CPU license agreement.
Use of the Software is permitted provided that all of the following
terms are accepted:
1. The Author grants you a non-exclusive license to use the
Software on a single registered computer system, subject
to your compliance with all of the terms and conditions
of this License.
2. You are only granted a license for the machine-readable,
object code portion of the Software. You will not modify,
enhance, reverse engineer or otherwise alter the Software
from its current state.
3. You will not have any proprietary rights of the Software.
You acknowledge and agree that the Author retains all
copyrights and other proprietary rights of the Software.
4. The Software is provided "as-is," without any express or
implied warranty. Without even the implied warranty of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In
no event shall the Author be held liable for any, direct or
indirect, damages arising from the use of the Software.
5. The Software requires an Internet connection to verify
that it is an authorized copy each time it is started.
Information about your computer and usage of the program
is sent to our server for diagnostic and anti-piracy purposes.
None of the information collected is personal, and none will
be distributed to any other party.
6. None of the Software's files may be redistributed for any
purpose whatsoever.
7. Use of the Software within the scope of this license is
limited to the computer system on which it is initially
installed. This Software is serialized to protect against
unauthorized copies.
8. This license shall be effective and bind you upon your
receipt of the Software by any means.
9. The Author reserves his rights to modify this agreement
in the future.
If you do not agree to all of the above terms, you are not permitted to use the Software in any way, and all copies of it must be deleted from your system(s).
RKP Enterprises
Web: www.klikker.us
E-Mail: support@klikker.us